Sunday, December 11, 2011

Legos, Legos, Legos, Legos

I built these creations. It took me about four days to build 14 creations. It was really hard work, but once I was done with them, I thought they were awesome.

The first picture is a brown spaceship. The propellors can turn out, and the red and yellow things shoot lasers. There's a hole right in the middle of the propellors, and in order to shoot off the propellors, you would have to hit them right in the middle. What's cool about it is that when you shoot off the propellors, there's two small jets that can keep it in the air.

The second picture shows jet packs.

The third one is a person on a speeder bike.

The 4th one is R2D2.

The last one is a guy on a spaceship. The ship's weapons rotate, and there's a screen to show the guy what's behind him.

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