Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baby Spiders

Today I found these baby spiders. I think they just hatched from their egg sac. Mother spiders lay egg sacs to protect their babies until the baby spiders hatch. I think there were 2,000 baby spiders in this web.

I found ants, killed them, and feed them to the spiders because there wasn't any food in the web. The only thing that was in the web at the time was a seed pod, which they couldn't eat.

I spend an hour and a half watching and feeding the spiders.

The spiders where yellow with black butts and where really fun to watch. I put out my hand, one of them walked on me, and it was so ticklish that I fell down on the concrete. The End. Hahaha

Monday, May 30, 2011

Today we went to the zoo. We went in the butterfly exhibit and it was awesome! When I placed my finger in front of a butterfly he or she stepped right onto it. It was really cool, and ticklish when he or she walked on my hand. I think they might have little claws on their feet so they don't fall off when they walk on things.

When we where leaving, we saw the polar bears and where are able to snap 5-6 pictures of him pacing while he was waiting for his dinner. Here are the good ones.

The End, Hahaha!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I got the idea to draw this by looking at our spruce tree in our front yard. I thought, oh I could a draw a picture of our spruce to put on my blog. So here's the picture! Hahaha!


I found this caterpillar in the grass at a state park. My mom said I could not take him home, but when I tried to let him go he just crawled right back on my foot and made a sad face at me. I told my mom about it and she ooookay you can take him home, so I did. On the way home, I named him dandelion, because he had a dandelion colored stripe on his back. I hope he turns into a beautiful butterfly someday and he lands on me out in the wild.

Friday, May 27, 2011


While on Rock Island (last summer) I saw a giant Jack in the Pulpit while blooming. The part in the picture is the flower. I love Jack in the Pulpits so much that I planted one in my back yard. If you want you can plant one too, but please be careful, because they are poisonous if you eat them.

Symmetry with Keva Planks

After learning about symmetry I decided to built these creations (from scratch). I Love Keva Planks!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sedimentary Rock in Progress... I think

One day while hiking in a state park we found what looks like a sedimentary rock in progress.
Who knows if it really was, I guess it might have been just a clump of stuff laying around on the beach, but it looked pretty cool. The End Hahaha

My Favorite Flowers

Here are some of my favorite flowers. The pink one is a magnolia. While driving around town I was able to see 82 Magnolia trees in less than 2 weeks. I love how beautiful they are in the spring.

Magnifying a Crystal

One day my mom took us to the botanical gardens and I saw a rock. Luckily I had a magnifying glass with me. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the rock. With the magnifying glass I was able to see a very tiny crystal hiding in the rock. I also used my magnifying glass to look at flowers, leaves and other rocks. I also saw a million other things, but I am not going to tell you about all of it right now (maybe someday I'll tell you). The End

I'm a bloggin' boy!

Today I got my first blog, now I can write about all the fun stuff I see and do.

Now moving on to explain the picture.

One day while I was sitting outside a baby squirrel dropped out of the a tree and onto our deck. The baby was so terrified it dove for our back door and tried to get into our house. Once he realized he could not get in, he dashed over to our driveway gate, dove under the gate, and was trapped away from his mother. After quite some time he squeezed under the gate, ran past us, and ran over to the other side of our deck. There he met his mother who had just scurried down the tree, she picked him up, and dashed away to safety with him.

Here is a picture of the baby just after he tried to get into the house.